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Why Should Our Partners Sell Solutions From OneTier Vendors?

by | Mar 3, 2023

I was a reseller for almost 12 years. Whether you are a new IT seller or a seasoned professional, you have to have table stakes and relationships with the big-box guys in our market. These would include the likes of Dell, HPE, Cisco, Nutanix and Palo Alto. But it can be very challenging to become sticky in your client accounts by finding the emerging technologies to ‘bolt’ onto their existing infrastructure. Any good seller has to find the way to create interest in their customers to look outside of the same vendors that anyone can and does sell. That’s where we come in.

At OneTier, we take great pride in researching, interviewing, analyzing and bringing the best-of-the-best vendors who have cutting-edge technology outside of traditional data center and cloud solutions. We have a team of trusted vendors we offer to our partners to solidify their place as their ‘trusted advisor’ in the eyes of their customers. Oh, and we offer great margins for selling one, a few, or all of these solutions on one quote to our SI’s and VAR’s.

How many organizations and companies continued to get hacked? Can I partner provide a solution that can tell a business the cost down to the penny if they were also breached? Our solution provides a complete platform to analyze and provide quantitative assessment values to the business, tied to NIST standard about their risk level and cost of being hacked.

As I write this in 2023, how many businesses and organizations have moved some, if not most of their workloads to the cloud? AWS, GCP and Azure reign in our more hybrid-work environments, but is the cost of cloud more than was expected? Can a CFO have real-time data on what a proposed AWS deployment would be? How long does a new cloud roll-out take? What if they were to move a GCP workload to Azure? By providing a comprehensive cloud management solution, we give customers a tool to reduce time to build cloud workloads, reduce cloud spend and improve organizational efficiencies.

Certainly, every business has a firewall for internal traffic. Then they also need a WAF (web-application firewall) as their employees on company devices connect to the internet. Oh, and that VPN to connect home. That’s a lot going on. We provide true capabilities around “stealth networking” that solve the modern cyber landscape of the 21st century.

Ransomware. Every day this term is heard in the news because someone else was hacked. We can provide a solution with a global-file system with full immutability against ransomware.

Now let’s imagine a bank or a hospital. What if an employee comes in on a Sunday. He or she plugs a thumb drive into the network. Now what if that behavior was abnormal of the employee or machine? What we offer is a full suite of ATI (Applied Threat Intelligence) as companies of all shapes and size look to move into a zero-trust security posture.

Now, this is just a handful of ways in which a reseller can find additional value for a customer in existing or target accounts. Our solutions fit in the gaps left behind by those traditional Networking, Cloud and Cyber companies. Meaning the end users do not need a huge rip and replace. They can get the happy meal all at once or just start with the chicken nuggets. Regardless, the goal of OneTier channel is to enable our partners to earn high margins across cutting-edge technologies vendors that solve the problems of today and tomorrow of their clients.


March 3, 2023