News & Insights

The RAVID Future of Information Warfare

by | Mar 1, 2023

Randomized Adaptive Virtual Infrastructure Defense (RAVID) is based on the observed history and progression of warfare, regardless of the medium. It is the concept of a continually morphing virtual infrastructure preventing both quantum and traditional attacks from finding success.

In world history, we learn of battles involving two factions who “march onto the field of battle”, stand in a line and shoot at each other, both from a stationary position. As technology and skillsets progressed, we were able to hit moving targets from stationary positions and stationary targets from moving positions, finally progressing to generation 5 aircraft dancing in the sky during a battle.

In many ways, the history of cybersecurity can be traced back to the earliest forms of military encryption. From Caesar’s cipher in ancient Rome to the use of Enigma machines during World War II, encryption has played a vital role in military strategy.

Today, encryption is still a critical component of cybersecurity, however as with traditional communications, other practices and methods must be used in concert to fully protect one’s information and infrastructure.

RAVID was designed with this concept in mind, to protect against advanced cyber-attacks by creating a dynamic and flexible infrastructure that actively adapts ahead of changing threats in real-time.

RAVID leverages adaptive techniques to continuously monitor the architecture and adjust its posture based on the current threat landscape and environmental conditions at that time. This allows it to quickly detect and respond to attacks in real-time, creating virtual airgaps instantly so that we may fully control all data flow within and without our system.

The framework is designed to work within any virtualized environments, such as cloud computing platforms, and can be used to protect a wide range of applications and services. By providing a dynamic and flexible defense mechanism, RAVID helps organizations to reduce their risk of cyber-attacks and improve their overall security posture by removing the threat plane and changing the game for an adversary.

Because RAVID is based on the principle of randomization, which means that it introduces randomness into various aspects of the infrastructure, we remove the opportunity for quantum and other advanced computers to mathematically determine how to defeat our system. Leveraging time as the core of our randomization brings the total possibilities to infinite, greatly reducing the ability for probabilistic determination of any current state of our architecture. This condition makes it significantly more difficult for attackers to predict and exploit vulnerabilities.

This includes removing all public facing IPs, randomizing, and rotating Private IP addresses, port numbers, and even the locations, as well as the continual moving and reassigning of virtual machines within the network. All this working together allows the One Tier ecosystem solution to change the cyber battlefield and defeat the modern and emerging threats facing our IT organizations today.

March 1, 2023